Thursday, September 1, 2011

Stars and more stars!

Lets see if I remember how to blog. I know, it has been a LONG while. I am sure I can come up with a thousand excuses, but lets just leave it at that, and welcome back me!

Over the past month or two, I have done a few star trails and really, that is all the shooting I have been doing. I hope to go back out to catch a sunset sometime soon, but for now, my back yard is a lot closer to me then the ocean. I set up a couple of nights ago, and I wanted to make sure I had some foreground details, and not just the hill behind my house. So, I set up on the lower deck, where there are a couple of trees, and this is what I came up with. Not too shabby. Just looking forward to the day when I can really go all out, to the desert or perhaps even further south, where I can get the Southern Cross! Some day, I would like to visit an old friend in Hawaii, he says they can see the Southern Cross from where they live.

One of the reasons why I wanted to share this with you, is because I wanted to share a link. You see, for the past year and a half that I have been shooting these star trails, I have been using an OLD program, that had its last update in 2005! Whats worse, is that it is a program that is not MAC friendly! I always had to blow the dust off of my old PC laptop, just for the stacking part of the process. About 3 or 4 weeks ago, I took a class, offered by Oceanside Photo and Telescope, for star trails. I really did not learn too much on the HOW to take them, I have been doing this for more then a year. But I did learn about a new program for processing these, which included a MAC friendly version! OH HAPPY DAY! Not only do I get to leave my PC in the dust where it belongs, but the program takes a fraction of the time as the old program! Best part of all, its freeware!

There is a link for you. They even have Flickr page for folks to show off their final images. I am more then happy to show off what this program has done for me!

Please, enjoy!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Neptune's Garden

So, I was going through a few of my most recent images on Flickr and saw this one. It's from the same night as the image before this one, but as I really got a chance to take a look, I realized it needed it's own post on my blog. I just love the movement of the water and the light of the sky. Even the two images are from the same night, they are still so different. This one from before the sunsets and the other one, after the sun sets. Different colors and different water movement, different rocks and different light.

It brings me to a very interesting revelation. I saw another photographer shooting on this sunset. He was SO focused on the rocks in this image. Later, I came across the same photographer on Flickr, who got the most amazing image of these same rocks. For a large amount of time, this photographer, Max, was photographing these rocks, only these rocks. Dodging the waves and back in for the next shot. For a while, I wanted him to move, because I wanted to get some shots there, but then I realized something. He was out for one image, one only! After seeing that image, I could finally understand why. It was all about that one perfect shot, and it was perfect! I keep moving around, trying for many shots. I want to be able to come back to Flickr with many useable shots, not just one. I learned something from Max, I learned it's OK to have one amazing shot. Just one would be a success!

Will I change my style over this lesson? Probably not. But eventually, I might have as much patience as my new friend Max, I hope!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Seeing as how I am having trouble sleeping tonight, I thought I would take this time to blog, because its been about 200 years between blogs these days.

I was so lucky to have a chance to go to La Jolla last week. While there, I captured one of my most favorite sunsets. Was it the most beautiful? No, but it was the most photogenic! Let me explain what I mean. When I go out to the beach for a sunset, there are 3 things I am looking for:

1) Clouds, truly and really, a must.
2) High surf, When all else fails, this provides great splashes on the rocks.
3) High tide, once again, can give you a great splash even if the surf is small.

If I have two of the three, usually I am happy. Even if there is no clouds on hand, I can still get some nice wave action. (However, notice that clouds are at the top of my list.) For those of you who have my 2011 calendar, you probably noticed that ALL of the images have clouds. No mater what time of day the image was taken. To those of you who do not have my 2011 calendar, why not? :) Just kidding, having some fun with you.

Well, last Tuesday, when I ventured to La Jolla with my 6 year old boy, I had ALL THREE! Clouds, high tide and not just high surf, La Jolla was actually on a surf advisory! YA! I was so excited when I saw the surf report. Of course, as I was shooting away, a nice, and large, wave came and made my dry clothing all wet, but thats ok. Little M was not hit by the wave, nor was my gear, so I was totally OK with that. I will say however, that I did have to carry a wet blanket to the car. The wave to the right, on this image, was the one that got me, and another photographer shooting next to me. It does not look huge, but at this point, my feet were already about half a foot in water from the wave that just hit. It was like a wave on top of a wave, very cool if you ask me!

I sure do hope you enjoy the image, and I look forward to making it back to La Jolla, the place that holds my heart. At least for photography.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A sunset most delightful!

I know, odd title. I am totally over it!

This was one of my most recent sunsets that I was fortunate enough to witness. I love going to La Jolla, only to find that God saved the best sunset of the week for that moment. Then again, last week, I could see from a far off distance two of the most beautiful sunsets ever and I was just not able to go out shooting! Perhaps someday, I will live at the beach with the ability to shoot every sunset if I want to! Perhaps there will be a day when I am not as busy too. Just goes to show, each and every time I am able to make it to La Jolla, it is a blessing. Wether or not it's this beautiful of a sunset.

Until next time, please enjoy!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is different better?

In this case, I am going to suggest different is great. Perhaps not better, but I like this.

To get this, I had to get down low, between two rocks that were taller than I. Then I had to be there during the right time of day and right tide. In this case, sunset and medium tide. Why does the tide matter? All of this is under water during high tide!

Truth be told, I am tired of not living closer to La Jolla. I miss capturing the amazing sunsets we get in San Diego. Images like this reminds me I need to get back out there! Soon!

Until then, please enjoy.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

14% Bigger and 30% Brighter!

Because I have not posted a blog in a while, here we go!

So, have you all heard about the super moon? The moon was closer to the earth last night, then any other time in 18 years. For those of you who missed it, you have another 18 years to prepare for it again! Actually, catch it tonight, it will only be 300 miles further then it was last night! Not that much when you consider the more than 220,000 miles away the moon usually is. I had a cloudy night last night, but as you can see above, I managed to capture the shape and size. Tonight? Well, the clouds are more intense tonight, so the chances of capturing the moon tonight are SLIM or NONE!

Why bring this up? For those of you who do not know, I am setting up to really get into astrophotography this coming year. So far, I do not have all of my gear, but I am very close! Hopefully by time we have our next clear night, when the moon is not full, I will be capturing a nebula or galaxy! We shall see! Until then, thank you for checking up on me and have a wonderful week!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Blog, blog BLOG!

I read somewhere, to be successful at a blog, you need to blog at least 5 times a week! WHAT!?!?!?! FIVE? Thats a lot! I am lucky at this point to get one blog in a week! But then again, I am not really blogging about my every day life, what I am cooking for dinner, that sort of thing. I am blogging about photos and well, thats it! Now that my 365 project is over, I am not shooting every day. Then again, this week has been a LONG week and I am ALMOST willing to call this the week from hell, but I wont, not yet any way. Now that its Friday, and I can blog about it, I still have nothing to say. Silly me, I always have something to say!

So for now, I will just post a nice picture for all of you to look at while I sort out my week and hope that when I get to Monday, I have a topic to blog about, just for YOU!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Timing is Everything!

That is true so often in life, timing is everything! Right? So when I am at the beach trying to capture that perfect splash, I take a lot of shots. When I say a lot, I really mean a lot. For example, if I were to go to my Lightroom3 folder and view all of the attempts of splashes, I would find hundreds of them! Most of which just are not that great! Sure, the composition is nice, I manage to find the composition before the splashing gets captured, but the splash is so unpredictable. Seriously unpredictable! At this point I am at the mercy of God. One of the things that I love about these splashes, is that each and every one is different. Each and every one also has different timing, so I guess what I am saying is that it is all about timing and luck.

The splash above is different then any of my splashes in a many ways. For starters, I have not had much luck with a nice splash when shooting directly into the sun. With this one, the golden hour of the sun really added a nice golden glow to the splash! Of course, I am sure that the power of the splash, meaning a LOT of water with in it, made a huge difference in the visibility on film. Or memory card in this case. How else is it different? Well, I guess I forgot the other reasons why it was different! It just is! OH how I enjoyed the difference the power of one splash makes. At the end of the day, when I get home and look at the images I have captured, I knew this was the one. I do not think I even looked back at the others. Really, why bother? Eventually I will, and I bet I will find a nice one here or there, but this one, was the one! The one I felt quite honored to share with you.

For information on the sale of this image, or any other image highlighted here or on my Flickr, feel free to contact me at any time!

Gail Edwards

Thank you for looking and I sure do hope you enjoy!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Full frame never looked so good!

Well, now that all is said and done, let's talk about the recent changes, and new additions, to our home. The biggest change of all, is the camera. Some of you already know that I sold every thing in my gear bag. One Canon 40D and three lenses. Leaving me with an hand full of cash and the use of a 7D which became community property between my man and I. From there, we made the leap to a full frame sensor camera, the 5D MkII. What an amazing camera! My new walk around lens, Canon 17-40mmL 4.0, has not yet arrived, so my husband and I ended up sharing the 5D while out and about on an adventure in Winchester, Ca. I did get to take some shoots with the 7D when it was his turn with the 5D. But my favored images came from the new gear.

What I love the most, is all those filters I still have, would not sell for the life of me, fits on this new glass, as well on the glass that is a day away from my front door! For this shot, I did use the 3 stop filter, along with the soft grad to tone down the light of the sky. I sure do hope you enjoy this image, from my first 5D MkII outing!

For more information about me, check out my Flickr, to the right of the screen. For information about how to order this image, or any other image, please send me an email, I am officially putting all of my work up to sell!

Let's get together and fill your walls with art! :D

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A VERY happy New Year to ya'll!

Hello and Happy New Year! Where have I been? Finishing off that darn 365 project! I also took some time off, because I wanted to keep that post up about the 2011 Calendars! Which, are still for sale if you feel you have missed out and still want one!

Out side of that, its a new year! And this year I am focusing on many new things, new gear too! No details yet, because its not been ordered, but my old Canon 40D has already been sold and there WILL be new gear by the end of next week! I have already ordered new glass.

Over the past year, I have been to La Jolla more then any other year of my life! Including the years of high school when friends would say, "Lets see if the grunion are running!" And over 2010, I have seen so many beautiful sunsets. So many beautiful high tide days. But not a single day ever matched up with one day last month. I was still in recovery phase from having shoulder surgery, and I knew I had no choice but to take it easy. Driving up, I could see that the tide was nice and high, with good surf. Something that had been missing from the entire summer months! Well, we always had high tide, but the surf has been quiet low for a while! But the thing I saw that day in La Jolla, that made me over joyed, was the color of the water! It was magic! The colors were so blue and green and just bright and perfect! As you can tell above. Not every day looks like this, but then gain, as a photographer, we are always looking for that "perfect shot" and even if that means making that drive 10 or more times before seeing it! That day, even though I was taking it easy, was the day for my "perfect shot." At least the best shot sense the surgery!

I hope that you all have a wonderful and delightful new year! Please keep coming back, I am going to work on selling prints this year. Prints of beach shots, black and white beach shots and even a few star trails. Send me a message if there is any image you would love to have for your self! It's going to be a great year! Blessings to you all and thank you for stopping by to keep up on my work!