Sunday, January 2, 2011

A VERY happy New Year to ya'll!

Hello and Happy New Year! Where have I been? Finishing off that darn 365 project! I also took some time off, because I wanted to keep that post up about the 2011 Calendars! Which, are still for sale if you feel you have missed out and still want one!

Out side of that, its a new year! And this year I am focusing on many new things, new gear too! No details yet, because its not been ordered, but my old Canon 40D has already been sold and there WILL be new gear by the end of next week! I have already ordered new glass.

Over the past year, I have been to La Jolla more then any other year of my life! Including the years of high school when friends would say, "Lets see if the grunion are running!" And over 2010, I have seen so many beautiful sunsets. So many beautiful high tide days. But not a single day ever matched up with one day last month. I was still in recovery phase from having shoulder surgery, and I knew I had no choice but to take it easy. Driving up, I could see that the tide was nice and high, with good surf. Something that had been missing from the entire summer months! Well, we always had high tide, but the surf has been quiet low for a while! But the thing I saw that day in La Jolla, that made me over joyed, was the color of the water! It was magic! The colors were so blue and green and just bright and perfect! As you can tell above. Not every day looks like this, but then gain, as a photographer, we are always looking for that "perfect shot" and even if that means making that drive 10 or more times before seeing it! That day, even though I was taking it easy, was the day for my "perfect shot." At least the best shot sense the surgery!

I hope that you all have a wonderful and delightful new year! Please keep coming back, I am going to work on selling prints this year. Prints of beach shots, black and white beach shots and even a few star trails. Send me a message if there is any image you would love to have for your self! It's going to be a great year! Blessings to you all and thank you for stopping by to keep up on my work!


  1. A new camera and glass!!! How fun. You deserve it my friend. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  2. Connie, you are too sweet! Thank you! The new glass and camera so far are SO amazing!
