Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Neptune's Garden

So, I was going through a few of my most recent images on Flickr and saw this one. It's from the same night as the image before this one, but as I really got a chance to take a look, I realized it needed it's own post on my blog. I just love the movement of the water and the light of the sky. Even the two images are from the same night, they are still so different. This one from before the sunsets and the other one, after the sun sets. Different colors and different water movement, different rocks and different light.

It brings me to a very interesting revelation. I saw another photographer shooting on this sunset. He was SO focused on the rocks in this image. Later, I came across the same photographer on Flickr, who got the most amazing image of these same rocks. For a large amount of time, this photographer, Max, was photographing these rocks, only these rocks. Dodging the waves and back in for the next shot. For a while, I wanted him to move, because I wanted to get some shots there, but then I realized something. He was out for one image, one only! After seeing that image, I could finally understand why. It was all about that one perfect shot, and it was perfect! I keep moving around, trying for many shots. I want to be able to come back to Flickr with many useable shots, not just one. I learned something from Max, I learned it's OK to have one amazing shot. Just one would be a success!

Will I change my style over this lesson? Probably not. But eventually, I might have as much patience as my new friend Max, I hope!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Seeing as how I am having trouble sleeping tonight, I thought I would take this time to blog, because its been about 200 years between blogs these days.

I was so lucky to have a chance to go to La Jolla last week. While there, I captured one of my most favorite sunsets. Was it the most beautiful? No, but it was the most photogenic! Let me explain what I mean. When I go out to the beach for a sunset, there are 3 things I am looking for:

1) Clouds, truly and really, a must.
2) High surf, When all else fails, this provides great splashes on the rocks.
3) High tide, once again, can give you a great splash even if the surf is small.

If I have two of the three, usually I am happy. Even if there is no clouds on hand, I can still get some nice wave action. (However, notice that clouds are at the top of my list.) For those of you who have my 2011 calendar, you probably noticed that ALL of the images have clouds. No mater what time of day the image was taken. To those of you who do not have my 2011 calendar, why not? :) Just kidding, having some fun with you.

Well, last Tuesday, when I ventured to La Jolla with my 6 year old boy, I had ALL THREE! Clouds, high tide and not just high surf, La Jolla was actually on a surf advisory! YA! I was so excited when I saw the surf report. Of course, as I was shooting away, a nice, and large, wave came and made my dry clothing all wet, but thats ok. Little M was not hit by the wave, nor was my gear, so I was totally OK with that. I will say however, that I did have to carry a wet blanket to the car. The wave to the right, on this image, was the one that got me, and another photographer shooting next to me. It does not look huge, but at this point, my feet were already about half a foot in water from the wave that just hit. It was like a wave on top of a wave, very cool if you ask me!

I sure do hope you enjoy the image, and I look forward to making it back to La Jolla, the place that holds my heart. At least for photography.